In August 2017 the FCA appointed Chris Sier to form an independent working group with the objective of gaining agreement on templates for cost and fee disclosure by asset managers to institutional investors. The Institutional Disclosure Working Group (IDWG) was formed in September 2017 and published a summary of its recommendations in July 2018.

Please click here for a link to the IDWG webpage, including their recommendations.
The IDWG recommendations include a proposal to use a suite of templates for collecting and reporting cost data, including a template dedicated to physical assets, and the formation of a new group to curate and update the templates. It is intended that use of the templates should be voluntary but the IDWG advocates means by which their use should be encouraged.
In response, the FCA has welcomed the recommendations and plans to announce the new group in the autumn.

Please click here for Chris Woolards Statement welcoming the IDWG's recommendations. 

The IDWG’s full report and the suite of templates will be released once the new group has been convened.
For further information, please contact us at: [email protected]