04 Jul 2019
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque venenatis leo eu erat rutrum maximus. Phasellus vestibulum, erat id viverra dignissim, sem lorem consequat justo, vitae auctor nulla ipsum nec tortor. Vestibulum tristique justo sed turpis viverra tempus. Phasellus a nibh lacus. Etiam convallis eget orci et auctor. Sed iaculis mauris id justo pulvinar, nec vulputate nunc pretium. Nulla sapien erat, imperdiet vitae ultricies non, dapibus rutrum nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris laoreet massa erat, ut tempus mi mollis et. Etiam pharetra ultricies enim, ut tincidunt diam. Praesent ullamcorper eros a elit egestas blandit.


Andrew Hook

Andrew Hook

Senior Director, Real Estate, Aviva Investors

Andrew is a fund manager within the UK Balanced Funds team, where he is lead fund manager for the Aviva Investors UK Property Fund. 

Prior to assuming his current role in December 2016, Andrew has managed real estate funds investing across the UK and Continental Europe at Aviva Investors for over 9 years. Before joining Aviva Investors, Andrew spent five years at Curzon Global Partners as an associate director working across acquisitions, asset management and investment strategy. Andrew started his career at Donaldsons as a graduate surveyor in the valuation department.

Andrew has earned a post-graduate diploma in Law from Nottingham Trent University, an MPhil in Real Estate Finance from the University of Cambridge, where he was awarded the RICS Prize for the highest mark in university examinations, and holds an MA in Geography from the University of Oxford. He also holds the Investment Management Certificate and is a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.